After then-Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivered her infamous speech about misogyny in Federal Parliament in 2012, the video of her impassioned delivery had more than 200,000 hits on social media platform YouTube. When US President Barack Obama won the federal election in 2012, his three simple words on Twitter – “four more years” – became the world’s most re-tweeted post in history. And UK entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson can boast more than 2.5 million global followers on his Twitter account – a significant volume of customers, fans and social influencers who hang on his every word, everyday.

Seriously, Who Uses Social Media?

If you thought social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs were for gen-Y or just for fun, think again. The world’s leading politicians and business magnates use social media to spread key messages, achieve strategic goals of international and historic value, and talk to followers and customers daily.

With more than 1 billion users worldwide on Facebook alone, if you aren’t using social media to talk to customers and stakeholders, you’re missing out on how the world’s top thinkers and leaders do business today. But if you use social media effectively, you can reach millions of people with powerful messages in just minutes.

How To Get Involved

Most businesses may have social media accounts, but they aren’t really using social media, in all of its enormous potential and value. Are you a business leader? Taking the leap into social media can help you get maximum exposure and connection with your customers through very little effort and spend. Are you an employer? You could consider how social media affects the way you structure your organisation or the way you design core management processes.

Did you know that business management techniques have remained relatively the same for more than 50 years? That means most businesses are recycling the practises of hiring, performance reviews and strategy planning from the 1960s. Why are we not startled by that lack of innovation? Can you afford to remain in the dark about social media too?

Staff Are Customers, Too

The world’s top companies use social media to inspire, inform and engage with their customers and stakeholders. It’s now easier than ever to get feedback from the public on a product or service, share discounts or launch promotions. Social media is also a great tool to keep employees informed and engaged in company activities in an interactive, dynamic and visual way. Networking through social media can help you attract new talent and in your business. The effects and advantages of mastering the social media space are incredible.

What could social media achieve for your business today?