儲存工作 返回搜尋 職務說明 概要 類似職務As a global leading company, it carries thousands of users to useIts market now focuses on expanding to global, increasing the headcounts rapidly關於我們的客戶My client is a leading global media and entertainment company, delivering contents to audiences worldwide through both web and mobile platforms. As the company continues to expand its global reach, they are seeking Senior Backend Engineers to join!職務說明Collaborate closely with the Client team to design and implement solutions for new features.Enhance application performance through optimization.Ensure simplicity and clarity in design.Focus on improving the long-term stability and reliability of the service.Conduct code reviews and provide mentorship to team members.理想的應徵者A minimum of 4 years of experience developing scalable web applications.Proficiency in Python, Git, MongoDB, and Redis.Extensive experience with Flask and/or Celery (preferred).Strong analytical and communication skills.Deep understanding of HTTP protocols, related technologies, and API development.Hands-on experience with Google Cloud development.Familiarity with different architectural styles.福利待遇Competitive SalaryFree Lunch box10+ days annual leave聯絡Sophie Chang職務編號JN-122024-6607277手機號+886 2 8729 8266職務概要職務類別資訊科技子類別IT發展產業資訊科技/通訊地區台北市合約類型全職招募顧問名稱Sophie Chang招募顧問電話+886 2 8729 8266職務編號JN-122024-6607277