儲存工作 返回搜尋 職務說明 概要 類似職務Thrive in a dynamic, innovative environment, gaining valuable skills.With rapid growth and hands-on experience, you can shape the company's success關於我們的客戶This company is a large organization in the retail industry based in Taipei. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, they have established a significant presence in the market and are well-regarded for their commitment to excellence.職務說明Leading and managing the analytics department.Developing and implementing strategies for business intelligence.Collaborating with various teams to understand their data needs.Overseeing the creation of reports and dashboards.Ensuring data accuracy and integrity.Driving data-driven decision making across the organization.Identifying opportunities for business growth through data analysis.Continuously improving and maintaining the BI systems and tools.理想的應徵者A successful BI Manager should have:Degree in Business, Analytics, Computer Science, or related field.Proficiency in business intelligence tools and systems.Strong analytical skills with the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and disseminate significant amounts of information with attention to detail and accuracy.Excellent leadership and team management skills.Strong knowledge of the retail industry.Strong communication and collaboration skills.福利待遇Excellent company culture with a focus on innovation and excellence.Great holiday leave benefits.An opportunity to work in the exciting retail industry in Taipei.A chance to lead and develop a dynamic analytics team.If you're looking to take your career to the next level as a BI Manager in the retail industry, don't hesitate to apply today!聯絡Nora Lin職務編號JN-112024-6590867手機號+886 2 8729 8269職務概要職務類別資訊科技子類別Big Data產業資訊科技/通訊地區台北市合約類型全職招募顧問名稱Nora Lin招募顧問電話+886 2 8729 8269職務編號JN-112024-6590867